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Frequently asked questions

Do you have any questions? Here you will find all the necessary answers to your questions about the use of Espumisan.
How does Espumisan® work?

Espumisan contains the active ingredient Simethicone which alters the elasticity gas bubbles in our digestive system. As the bubbles are broken up, the gas is liberated, which makes it easier for the gas to be eliminated by belching or passing flatus.

Espumisan® - varieties of dosage forms for your need

Espumisan Capsules 40 mg are indicated for healthy children and adults. For the symptomatic treatment of infant colic, there is Espumisan Emulsion 40 mg/ml which is easier to swallow for an infant.

How to dose Espumisan® 40 mg Capsules?

Children (above 6 years) and adults take 2 capsules (80 mg Simethicone) up to 3 or 4 times daily (a total of 240 - 320 mg daily). Taken with or after meals and also before going to bed, if necessary. Taken for as long as complaints persist. However, if abdominal complaints newly occur and/or persist, they should be clinically investigated.

Does Espumisan® have side-effects?

The active ingredient Simethicone in Espumisan has been around for about 50 years. It has been well-studied and found to be virtually non-toxic. It works on a physical level on the gas trapped in undigested food and is not absorbed by the body. It can be taken for long-term treatment. It is easy to use and one dosage (two small pearls), can be taken without water. It is suitable for use by pregnant women and infants. Espumisan is sugar free and therefore particularly suitable for infants and diabetics. Manufactured under strict quality control in Germany.

Icon depicting where to buy Espumisan Где купить Эспумизан® Icon depicting the download of the Information for User (IFU) Инструкции по медицинскому применению препарата Эспумизан
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